A Father’s Day Tribute

A Father’s Day Tribute

 In her free time, Louise can be found at the piano playing anything to her heart's desire. She’s currently shadowing Emily in her business, and one of her first tasks is to write this article! 

“Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge.”

Proverbs 14:26‍

This Father's Day, I had the privilege of interviewing Emily and her Dad! Here is what they had to say…

Interview with Emily's Dad

What do you enjoy most about being a father?

Interacting with my adult children — wow, the depth of the conversations we share! Parenting is hard work, and a partnership as well. My children are who they are today thanks to my wife, who gave up her career to be a stay-at-home mum who nurtures our children. Our pride and joy are seeing them grow into mature, thoughtful, and God-loving adults.

What was the hardest moment for you as a father?

Learning to let go. Emily, remember how I had to say goodbye and leave you behind (alone!) when I dropped you off at Penn? (Emily studied at the University of Pennsylvania in 2007)

In what ways is Emily most like you? 

First, unlike Emily, I can’t draw or paint to save my life! On the other hand, she is most like me in how she shares my tenacity and passion to learn and grow (besides my good looks, of course).

What’s one piece of advice you would like to share with all the fathers out there today?

You can never spend too much time (or enough time, for that matter!) with your children.

What is one Bible verse that has encouraged you most in your journey as a father?

I once read a paraphrase of Matthew 6:33. It went something like this: “If you look after what is dear to Me, I will look after those who are dear to you.”

"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

Matthew 6:33 

Interview with Emily

What is your best memory of your father?

Dad traveled a lot for work when I was little, especially when I was in primary school. However, I never felt he was neglecting me or my brothers. He made it a point to call every evening to talk to us, ask about our day, and do devotion as a family.

When I was living away from home, there were times when I needed to talk to Dad during odd hours of the night. He would always pick up the phone to chat and pray with me. He has been a steady anchor for me, especially when life was confusing and challenging.

How has your father shaped who you are today?

He reads a lot and is always learning. He often shares with me insights from books, articles, or podcasts that he comes across.

What do you admire most about your father?

He is steadfast, gentle, patient, and someone I respect and look up to.

Interestingly, I was looking for inspiration for what to draw for Father’s Day when I came across the staghorn fern. It reminded me so much of my Dad! It embodies the aura of respect, masculinity, and beauty. Most importantly, it points me to remember that God is our steadfast and loving Heavenly Father.

What is one thing you want your children to remember about your father?

I want them to remember Dad as someone who loves God and is gentle and patient. I am sure they will be thrilled to know that his favourite job in the world is being their grandfather!


This Father’s Day we thank God, our Heavenly Father, for the fathers in our lives.

In collaboration with The Commandment Co., we have artwork inspired by God our Heavenly Father available here as a print! Get one for your Dad or as a reminder of your Heavenly Father today!


“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

Lamentations 3:21-23

Steadfast Love Poster (in Collaboration with The Commandment Co.)
Steadfast Love Poster (in Collaboration with The Commandment Co.)
Use <STUDIOSECK10> to get 10% off your cart (excluding bundle & promo items) when you order from The Commandment Co.'s website. Valid from now till 15 July 2023!


Postcards (Set of 12) - Inspired by God's Attributes

Postcards (Set of 12) - Inspired by God's Attributes


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