TGIF! I thought it will be nice to make today FEATURE FRIDAY and share with you the inspiration behind some of my artwork!

For this piece, I took inspiration from the hymn ‘Jesus Paid it All’. It was during a time when I was nearing the end of my pregnancy.

My pregnancy journey so far had been uneventful - no morning sickness or pain, just a growing tummy! Towards the end, the doctor informed me that the water levels around the baby were low and I was losing weight. After monitoring the situation for a week with no improvement, at week 37, the doctor presented me with 2 choices: induce to get the baby out now, or come back to the clinic every other day. I chose the first, knowing that delaying his delivery will only bring about more risks.

Through the period of anxiety and stress, the words of this hymn spoke to me deeply. In the delivery ward, I brought in my iPad and designed this.

Blue - I knew I was expecting a boy.
Green - my Husband and I took a walk at our neighbourhood park after I was induced, and that was when this hymn kept playing in my head.
Red - the words ‘sin had left a crimson stain’.
White - he has washed it as white as snow.

May the words of this hymn bless you! Remember you are God’s precious child, and even though we are weak, he is strong! 💕

If you would like to get a copy of this print, click here!

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