Mama on Palette Art Exhibition: 4-31 May 2022 at Library@Orchard

Mama on Palette Art Exhibition: 4-31 May 2022 at Library@Orchard

This year I'm thrilled to be exhibiting two of my latest works at Library @ Orchard as part of Mama on Palette & The Red Pencil's ' Mother · Art · Healing' Exhibition, a showcase of artworks with other mother artists in Singapore. 

Below are the artworks, and the story and inspiration behind them.  

Peace by Emily Seck
The process of becoming a mother started the day I found out I was pregnant.
I recall how from then onwards, I became mindful of everything I ate, activities I did, and even the way I slept! Knowing I had a growing life inside of me made me conscious of my actions, and sometimes guilty when I realised I made some accidental 'mistakes' (I drank some beer a few nights before I took the pregnancy test, and had some strong lozenges that were offered to me when I had a sore throat).

Through these instances, with each growth milestone I experienced week by week -- the widening of my belly, each kick I felt inside -- no matter how uncomfortable, clumsy or heavy I had become, these signs of growth gave me a sense of PEACE, and God's grace and mercy despite my mistakes.
All went rather smoothly until I was 37 weeks pregnant, when the doctor noticed there was very little water around the baby, and I was advised to induce. It was totally unexpected.

PEACE was what I needed the most at that point in time.
Even after childbirth, as a mother, there have been other decisions my husband and I had to make that needed PEACE. Adjusting childcare arrangements, choosing the right preschools, decisions to travel during the pandemic.
I hope in your journey through the various storms and challenges you face, that you may find PEACE.  
'Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7

Courage by Emily Seck
Becoming a Mother has no doubt been one of the most life-changing experiences for me.

When I was heavy pregnant with my first son, I had an extremely stressful time at work. The last 2 weeks before my son was born was one of the darkest and lowest periods of my life. Towards the end of my maternity leave, I made the decision to quit.. something which I was so scared to do but looking back it was the best decision ever. From there I learnt that while I could tolerate a stressful working environment, my emotional well-being was more important than my job security. I did not want to come back home from work in a mental state I would not want my children and family to see me in.

When I became a mother, I decided to leave the financially stable job. I felt it was important to be there for my child, especially in his early years. to experience his milestones firsthand, to be there to teach him, and be there for him. 

From this experience at the start of my Motherhood journey, I learnt that moving away to the unknown wasn’t as hard as I thought. When God convicts you, it is so that he can lead you to the Promised land. We may not see a whole blueprint of what will happen in its entirety, but we can be assured that God will guide us every step of the way.
"Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
Motherhood has been my 'Genesis' - a change in my body, my perspective of life, and my priorities. Since then, I've experienced even more challenges that have triggered me to step out of my comfort zone. From sharing my artwork online, claiming my identity as an artist and small business owner, to producing 2 calendars to print in large quantities, I would never have imagined that 2 years ago! As someone who has lacked confidence in so many things throughout life, the COURAGE for me to do so could only come from God.

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
2 Corinthians 12:9

Catch the artworks on display! 

'Mother · Art · Healing' Exhibition
showcase of artworks with other mother artists in Singapore
Library @ Orchard
Mama on Palette & The Red Pencil
4-31 May 2022
Like these artworks?
They are available as greeting cards!
You can buy them individually or as a set of 4🙂
Set of 4

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