The Delight of Daily Bible Reading: Fuel that Powers the Soul and Ignites Inspiration

The Delight of Daily Bible Reading: Fuel that Powers the Soul and Ignites Inspiration

One of the most common questions I get asked is where I find inspiration for my artwork. 

Whether or not we consider ourselves artists or creatives, we are often in search of new ideas and inspiration, new places to go, new shows to watch, new gadgets to purchase, and the latest news. These things stimulate us, keep us 'informed', and perhaps help us to connect with others. 

I crave inspiration to fuel my creativity, and yet, after wandering through the forest, God reminds me time and again that there is no greater delight than spending time in His presence, reading His Word. 

Often I have lost myself daily scrolling through Instagram and Facebook, Pinterest, or if I want to feel more 'productive', checking my email and WhatsApp, or reading the news (or Wikipedia). 

This ends up being what is called 'productive procrastination' that is depleting my attention span, making me look at my screen more than my loved ones, and after supposedly researching for inspiration, I end up more defeated, less inspired, and comparing myself with others. Shame and guilt set in every Sunday morning when I get a notification on how many hours of screen time I've had over the past week. My daily average has been around 3-4 hours per day this past month, with it decreasing closer to 2 hours when my husband confiscated my phone over the weekend.

Despite my flaws, lack of self-control, and being easily distracted, God is still so gracious and has encouraged me, even through the slivers of Bible readings I can squeeze into my day, He still speaks and assures me that He is walking with us through our struggles. 

When I was in primary school, I was given a Scripture Union bookmark: "Today is the best day to start reading your Bible every day." To this day, whenever I fall off track from my Bible reading, this reminder helps bring me back on track.

He has also used his creation to reinforce the truths he has planted in my heart. I may not have understood or thought of it much while I was reading the passage, or listening to the sermon, but somehow, it comes alive much later, igniting the creative spark and finding the inspiration to create meaningful art.

It is challenging to maintain a daily Bible reading habit, but I find solace in God's grace and the enduring impact of past readings on my heart.

The Bible has also shaped my understanding of God's creation and helped me appreciate Him as Creator. Much of the artwork I create draws inspiration from encounters with nature, especially plants. From an ordinary walk, or a passing comment from a relative about a plant, a little seed is sown. In God's good time, the small spark ignites a fire that's fueled by His Word.

There have been seasons of waiting, when there’s no money coming in and I am waiting for when the next project would come to bring income. God has reminded me that He is Patient. He controls time. To him, A day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day (2 Peter 3:8-9). Like the Bonsai which takes so much patience to look after, God is pruning us. He is using these slow and quiet days, painful days to teach us to come to him, to trust him, and to look forward in the hope, that he has something beautiful in store for us.

One day while waiting at the bus stop, I noticed a couple of large pink petals on the ground. As I looked up, I noticed this beautiful flower, the Heaven Lotus. This brought to mind that in looking up, in looking up to God, Every good and perfect gift comes from above, and is from Him. (James 1:17)

On one Sunday the pastor preached that Jesus is the source of the truth and that knowing Him brings freedom. My mind recalled my primary school science, growing the balsam plant, and how when its pods are ripe, it explodes and gives a ‘pop’, releasing its seeds. This dynamic visual brought to life how knowing Jesus indeed sets us free. (John 8:31-32)

These are just some of the many encounters I have experienced when Bible passages come alive and just make so much sense -- God's Word is true, and His creation proclaims it. 

I have experienced much joy that comes from daily Bible reading. I am currently reading through the book of Job and 1 Corinthians, studying the gospel of John, and digesting sermons from the book of Isaiah at church. While it may seem like a 'rojak' (Asian salad), it's been a delight to see the whole bible as one big story, with the ideas and passages reinforcing each other. This past month, I have been reminded that God's ways are higher than ours, the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength (1 Corinthians 1:25). Life often feels like a performance, a game we need to strategize, making the right investments, lining your ducks in a row to get the dream job, to earn your place in the school of your dreams (or getting your children in that dream school). Yet I am reminded that all this is fleeting, and what truly stands is what is eternal. What do I say on the day I meet my maker?    

What do you spend most of your time and thoughts on? What comes between you and spending time with God and His Word? 

If you struggle, I hope through my heartfelt sharing, you can be assured that you are not alone, and be reminded of our gracious heavenly Father who is always constantly drawing us to himself. We can thank Jesus for paying the price of our sins, and the assurance of the Holy Spirit's presence, guiding us every step of the way. 

“If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." 
John 14:15-17


If you would like to spend meaningful time with the Lord each day, I have a free PDF guide for Bible journaling. I hope this practical tool helps you cultivate a daily Bible-reading habit. 


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