Past Editions of the Botanical Calendar

How it started

In September 2020, my parents planted an idea in me: to compile my artwork into a calendar as a gift for their friends. As I gathered my ideas and artwork, I realized that this project would be meaningless if it were just a portfolio of my work.

From childhood, I've cherished calligraphy and painting plants, drawing inspiration from my mother's garden. The Bible has been a constant source of guidance, shaping my perspective and fueling my creativity.

This calendar is more than just a collection of artwork; it's a testament to God's grace and mercy in my life. Each piece tells a story, reflecting my faith journey and the lessons I've learned along the way. 

I'm grateful for the many people who have supported me on this journey.  While painting and putting ideas together is a big part of what I do, such effort is worthless if it’s not done for the glory of God. I’m humbled when someone shares the calendar with a friend or their grandma. 12 Artworks each year is not enough to contain all of who God is. But my prayer is that it will help someone get a glimpse of our Great God and draw closer to him.


Portraits of Jesus

In the Bible, there are many visual representations that describe Jesus. Some are ways that He described Himself, and some are descriptions of Him given by others. “Portraits of Jesus” is a botanical take on these portraits. While no faces are drawn, my hope is that from the selection of themes, Scriptures and plants, you will gain a deeper insight into Jesus.

See the Collection


Promises of God

We are constantly navigating through life’s ups and downs, but we have an unchanging, faithful God who keeps His Promises. Through challenging times, we can find the greatest comfort and assurance from His Word. As we await God’s final fulfilment of His Promises, I pray that He may grant you patient endurance and that you may be encouraged to cling to His Word and Promises. May we look to our faithful, trustworthy God for strength and hope whatever our circumstances.

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Names of God

Our God is known by many names, and each gives us an insight into His character. Digging deeper, different parts of the Bible reveal the truth of these names, and reinforce the life-giving, transformational power of who He is. As I reflect on each of them, various plants I have encountered over the years have brought them to life.

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Attributes of God

Botanical nature – God’s creation – has always been a great source of inspiration for me. Not only are they God’s masterpieces, they reveal God’s character as well! In this fragile and uncertain world, I am reminded that we can trust in a living God who has so many wonderful qualities that we can depend on, and He holds all things together. God is our true source of strength, wisdom and inspiration.

See the Collection

And now for 2025...

Inspiring Stories from Our Community

Here are some words of encouragement, support and inspiration. It is truly amazing what God can do when we work together for His Kingdom to share His Word and His Love with others.

To God be the Glory

  • Sowing Seeds of Faith

    I started to befriend this cleaning aunty in my workplace by buying her simple breakfast and also asked her permission to pray for her when I saw her bandaged her arm. She would politely decline. I also shared my testimony of how Jesus healed my back pain.

    A few months passed, I decided to gift her a copy of the Chinese calendar.

    When I passed to her, I was a bit apprehensive, as she would decline my prayer for her and also seemed uninterested when I talked about Jesus in my testimony.

    To my surprise and all praise to Him , she took it out from the plastic wrapper and started to read the Chinese verses word by word every month. We instantly doing bible study for 12 verses (12 months) !!! And she was reading with so much joy on her face.

    I was so encouraged and praise the Lord! I didn't expect this to happen.

    After a few months, she left my workplace and lost contact with her. But I know that seed has been sown and Jesus will send labours into her life to share more about Jesus and let us pray for her salvation amen 🥰😍

  • God's Promises at Work

    When we received the botanical calendars that were personally delivered by D (Emily's husband) to our door step, there was a wash of delight as we eagerly flipped through every page. Then came this huge weight of responsibility to pass them on to our friends, that they may know Jesus as the surety of a better covenant (Hebrews 7:22).

    Even as we loved every Word etched in the portraits, I wondered what the response would be, for colleagues who did not yet know the Lord. 

    Indeed, the Lord's promises hold true, and our job was just to sow the seeds in His Time:

    Little did I know that the institution decided to "go-green" and do away with annual calendar prints. So these botanical calendars magically took their place on the desk tops of every faculty! 

    With the Lord's Word etched amidst our spaces of work, the calendars became beautiful installations to remind us about the living Word of God. Others who used the calendar for practical administrative reference had bible verses (on the other side of the page) turned towards yet other colleagues sitting opposite their desks—and these were the very verses that became further sources of encouragement to remind us about the amazing work of God! 

    May His Light shine in the darkness, and our work places be filled with His promises!

  • In the Home

    "Happy new year! Just sharing how my heart sang when I saw this sitting on my parents console when we visited today :) glad my mum is receptive to use it!!"

    "The verses are good reminders. Also, because I put it on my children's study table, they grant me calmness when I get very bored or bothered helping them with their work I myself love to admire your lovely painting. The space to write events down is big enough."

    " I re-read the verses on the calendar as I reach my office each day. It gives me encouragement n reminds me of God’s word! The lovely drawings are also calming and peaceful."

  • Prayer and Community

    My husband and I run a board games outreach ministry from home. we leave the calendar out in the living room as a reminder for ourselves to pray and also as an artwork for guests to interact with. We also record each guest's birthday on it and pray for them/celebrate with them. the calendar has been a blessing for us!!

  • Reminders at Work

    " I re-read the verses on the calendar as I reach my office each day. It gives me encouragement n reminds me of God’s word! The lovely drawings are also calming and peaceful."

  • At Home

    "The verses are good reminders. Also, because I put it on my children's study table, they grant me calmness when I get very bored or bothered helping them with their work I myself love to admire the lovely painting. The space to write events down is big enough."


This passion project is a collaborative effort, brought to life by a dedicated team inspired by a shared love for God's Word and His creation. Emily SeckTan Chong Tien, Tan Lye Kean, Heather Teng, Tan Sze Gar, Rachel Gibson Wong, Siew Jo Keow, Corrine Tay, Tan Chan Tuan, Nicholas Chuan, and many others have contributed their talents to this project, from Chinese calligraphy and translation to proofreading and logistics.

Together, we've worked tirelessly to create a calendar that is both visually appealing and spiritually uplifting. We're grateful for the opportunity to share this labour of love with you and hope it inspires you in your faith journey.

To God be the glory!